Skull Base Surgery: Strategies
This new book from Thieme Publishing Co. is the brain-child of Dr. Walter Jean. In 32 chapters, with beautiful illustrations and accompanying videos, master skull base surgeons use real-life cases to discuss decision-making strategies for approach and removal of complex brain tumors. Now available!
Key Features
Nine sections organized by anatomy cover tumors in all the regions of the skull base and ventricles
Thirty-two systematically organized chapters flow from clinical presentation and radiographic findings of specific patients and tumors, to setting of the surgical goal, to decision-making and execution of the surgical approach
For debate and discussion, Perspective sections at the end of chapters provide differing viewpoints and counter-arguments from separate surgeons
Contributing authors from every continent across the globe
Excerpts from “Skull Base Surgery: Strategies”
What makes the book unique? Find out here.
The chapter on “The Art of War”
Full chapters for your preview: Chapter 7, Chapter 13, Chapter 16
Get it on Thieme website and Amazon now! Kindle version is also available.
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